Is a Peaceful Warriors Retreat for me?

If you seek reconnection to body, mind and spirit in a supportive community through nature, movement and stillness, the answer is YES.

Am I fit enough?

Our retreats and events bring an element of challenge, be that physical, mental or emotional. The key is that the challenge is appropriate and personal to you. We are all here to support each other achieve goals and feel good about ourselves. The simple answer is yes, but if you have any concerns or specific medical diagnoses you would like to discuss, please schedule a call with us.

I’m worried I might be too old…

Age is just a number, right?! We have members in our community from 20 to 70 years old. There is no upper limit! We believe the world would be a better place if we all connect to our inner child more often and remember what it is to play, no matter your age!

I’ve seen pictures of you climbing trees, jumping off rocks, plunging into cold water, and that scares me! Is it dangerous?

Any athletic activity carries a degree of risk. However, done with mindfulness and attention, these practices are often far less dangerous than they may seem. Our approach encourages you to reconnect to your instincts and learn to trust. We may ask you to gently challenge where your perceived limit is, but you will never be forced to do something you don’t feel is within your capabilities. There is always someone with you to provide support, safety, and guidance. Above all, listen to your body and ask for help when you need it.

I've not done a lot of yoga before, can I still come?

No problem, yoga is for everyone, even if you’ve never stepped foot on a mat before. A Peaceful Warriors retreat is a great way to introduce yourself to the practice. Classes are suitable for all levels, lots of options and modifications for the individual are offered. Some of our teaching team also offer classes online, so there is an opportunity to try a few classes in the comfort of your own home before you arrive on retreat.

I do yoga regularly, but I have no idea what the other movement sessions are about....

Get ready to break out of your bubble! Yoga is great, but it’s not a complete movement practice (where is the pull strength, cardio training, progressive overload…..?). At our retreats we will safely (re)introduce you to other ways to move and flow. You’ll feel excited, renewed, and inspired by what your body is capable of. As always, get in touch for a chat if you have any worries.

I have an injury....

Sorry to hear about that. Get in touch with us and we can see if it’s still appropriate for you to come.

I’m nervous about coming on my own..

That’s completely understandable and a common concern for first time retreaters. Travelling alone and organising logistics can be a daunting task. Rest assured we are here to help each step of the way. When you book, you can opt-in to a WhatsApp group with other guests. Many people find out they are travelling on the same flight and become travel buddies. We can also help with booking private transfers to the venue. Once you have arrived, everything is set up for you to make connection with others, if/when you want to. Many people who met on retreat became lifelong friends!

Can I bring a partner?

Yes, of course! We operate a more the merrier policy here. Whilst we very much encourage everyone to join in, if your partner would like to be with you at the event and enjoy the atmosphere and surroundings but does not wish to participate in the activities we offer, we can arrange a special price.

Can I bring my children?

Whilst most of our events are not geared towards children, we do understand that it may be necessary to bring the family (we have 2 little ones ourselves). In most cases it is possible to bring your child, although they are not able to join in any of the activities (unless specifically stated) and you must ensure they are always looked after by a responsible caregiver.

How do I get from the airport/train station to the venue?

We will help you to arrange a transfer and try to group participants to keep costs low. Please check when you make your travel arrangements.

How many people are usually on the retreat?

Usually there will be 12-18 participants, depending on the event type and venue. We normally have a balanced mix of men and women.

Can I pay in instalments?

Yes, you can. Once the deposit has been paid, you may pay the remainder in monthly instalments if you prefer. The final balance is due before the event date, which is detailed in the terms and conditions. Just ask us when you book and we will set it up with you.

How do I book?

Once you are ready to proceed, you can complete the online booking form for your event. No payment is taken at this stage, (unless it’s day retreat or workshop, in which case payment is done at the time of booking). It’s an opportunity for us to ask a few questions about you and for you to ask anything of us. Once you have done the online form, you will be contacted via email within 48hours to answer your questions, confirm room type and arrange deposit payment. If you would prefer to have a (free) phone call with us first, we welcome you to book a time here.

Who is behind the retreats and events?

Founded in 2020 by Pippa Moss and Anthony Heilmann, Peaceful Warriors is a collective of carefully selected, highly skilled and talented teachers and practitioners. We come together to share our specialties, creating events and workshops that bring meaning, connection, and inspiration. You can read more about the dream team here.


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